Posts tagged blogger
SOCIAL MEDIA AT A GLANCE, Can be a little intimidating.

Navigating the Intimidating Landscape

In today’s interconnected world, social media has become an integral part of our lives. Whether you’re a business owner, a marketer, or an individual seeking connection, the digital landscape can be both exciting and overwhelming. At first glance, social media can appear like a vast, ever-changing universe with new platforms emerging constantly. But fear not! Let’s delve into this dynamic realm and explore some of the benefits and how to navigate it effectively.

One of the benefits of social media is the access to a variety of content that can motivate, educate, and inspire you. You can follow accounts that share positive messages, success stories, tips, and advice on how to be more confident. Join communities that support your interests, passions, and values. Now with that in mind should you follow other accounts?

My answer is a definite must. It’s a great strategy I have personally done myself. But don’t follow others blindly or follow just to follow. Following accounts that line up with your vision is advantageous. Social media is a tool that is available to everyone, use it to help bring your vision to life. You are the painter add some colors to your white canvas (add the accounts that inspired you, that account that gave you great ideas, etc. Fill that mood board up, get motivated, take risks, put yourself out there, and learn from others who share the same passion.

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, etc. are spaces to share examples, stories, insights, and your achievements, big or small. Video content reign supreme on these platforms, specially TikTok and Instagram shifting their focus to videos, recognizing its power of audience engagements. Whether you completed a project, learned a new skill, or reached a milestone, you can celebrate your progress and receive feedback from your network.

Remember feedback is just someone's opinion it’s not God's words. You have to take it with a grain of salt. Feedback can’t always be positive. Some are warranted and some are not. You can either use it as a stepping stone for improvement or relinquish it.

As you know by now social media isn’t just for connecting; it’s also a shopping destination for both individuals and businesses. Having an online presence is essential for my brand Dear Liline a children’s fashion line. I get to tap into this trend by showcasing my couture dresses, accessories  and services directly to potential client’s profile feeds. Imaging scrolling through your favorite influencer or brand feed with new updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, new dress or gadget and seamlessly purchasing that item. Being represented online builds trust and loyalty, brand awareness, market growth, real-time interactions with potential customers and current ones, advertising, making connections, and more.

These platforms are not easy to manage it takes dedication and consistency (in which I falter at times 😬). Consistency matters, but so does sanity. I can’t do this every day, posting regularly, creating content, remembering to record my progress (sometimes I get engulfed in sewing my dresses, pattern making, and designing dresses I forget to press record 😂or set it up.), editing, engaging with others, and adapting my approach based on the platform and audience 😩😩. All this can be very daunting. Sometimes you have to partake in games that you are not comfortable with and social media is a serious one for the books. But hey I’m here to play this game, bring it on! otherwise, I’ll get left behind. Now who wants that? Nope, not me. I’ve already implemented post scheduling.
Hey! Don’t forget to prioritize quality over quantity and understand what works and what doesn’t OK.

Social medial may seem daunting, but it’s a powerful tool waiting to be harnessed. Bear in mind everyone on the platforms started the same way as you, filled with anxiety and uncertainty. And soon your account will be part of someone else’s board of inspiration. So, go forth, tweet, post and share — just don’t forget to take a breather.

What’s your take on this? Comment below.